UX & UI Explained: Interstitial Ads
The Interstitial Ads have been over the years, one of the most effective ways to get revenue on products. In this case, we are going to talk about the use of them in App’s.
What is an Interstitial Ad?
An Interstitial Ad is basically a WebPage which covers the interface of an app or a mobile website page. They are also called sometimes as ”revenue doubler’s”.
It is displayed before or after an expected content screen or page often to display advertising. In Digital Marketing, the term “interstitial” is often used in the sense of “Interstitial Advertising”, rather than “Interstitial Webpage”.
But to be honest, is something that bores me a little bit, not for the existence of them which i totally get it but for the time of some of those take until we get access to the content.
How much do Interstitial Ads pay?
The average revenue per mile (RPM) for Androids is the range of 15 cents to $1.50, whereas, for iOS, it is between 20 cents to $2. The Interstitial Ad units, in fact, have a higher RPM rate of $2 to $4 for Android and $3 to $5 for iOS.
Are interstitial ads effective?
Interstitial Ads still are one of the most effective Ad formats, but when you don’t use them properly, they might cause real Interstitials like decreasing engagement and retention rate.
How often should we show interstitial ads?
Remember that your task is not to annoy the user. If you bother the user too often, you will lose him/her and the money you could have earned if you were not as intrusive. Don’t place an Ad every single time a user makes an action within your app.
What is not allowed in Interstitial ads?
AdMob provides examples of interstitials implementation that are not allowed. I recommend adhering to AdMob policies. If you don’t comply with their restrictions without permission from Google, AdMob can stop serving ads to your app and even disable your AdMob account.
- Don’t place ads on app load and exit
It is not allowed to show Interstitial Ads before an App is loaded. However, placing an ad after loading is acceptable.
We also shouldn’t place an Ad when a user is ready to close an app. Remember that it is recommended to put ads between content sections, levels or stages.
- Avoid placing Interstitials if your app is running in the background.
A user should clearly understand which app is showing ads. It is restricted to place interstitials in apps that run in the background or outside of the app environment.
- Don’t show ads too often.
Don’t annoy your users and don’t repeat your interstitials too often. Showing several ads in a row is not a good practice.
It is recommended to put not more than one Interstitial Ad after every two user actions within an app. Although this might also be too much for your users, so keep an eye on your retention rate.
Don’t disappoint your users with a sudden ad launch
Imagine that a user is playing an exciting game and, unexpectedly, an interstitial pops up. Firstly, it will greatly irritate your user. Secondly, it may cause accidental clicks, which will upset the user even more. Wait until the logical pause between the levels of your game or content pages of your app — the user will be done with the app activities and ready to engage with your ad in a proper way.
So basically, this is all you need to know before you start thinking to implement any kind of Advertising on your product.
Hope you liked it and have a great day!