UX & UI Explained: Atomic Design
Atomic Design it’s not exactly something new, especially in the world of Front End Development Community.
Now you are wondering…What is Atomic Design?
Atomic Design is a Component Design Methodology created by Brad Frost, an American Design who has been involved in awesome projects like This is Responsive and Styleguide.io.
How does it work?
It’s basically a methodology composed by 5 hierarchical stages, to create UI Design Systems.
- Atoms (Small element such as Labels, Buttons or Input’s);
- Molecules (Group of Atoms like a Search Bar, composed by an Input, a Label and a Button);
- Organisms (Group os Molecules that form a distinct and relatively complex part of the interface. For example: Search Bar + Navigation = Navbar/Header);
- Templates (Responsible for the structure of a Page where we distribute the Components giving shape to the Layout and defining templates to be reused);
- Pages (Specific instances of the templates that shows what the UI looks like with real representative content).
In conclusion, methodologies like Atomic Design can improve and help us a lot in our daily workflow and clearance in order to identify and solve problems.
Check out Atomic Design System to learn more about the subject: https://atomicdesignsystem.com/
Thanks for reading!